Scared To Be Significant?

Whew! I love blogging! I love my job, I love my kids, I love my girlfriend, and I love writing! Like so many other things, I just don’t seem to ever get here often enough. An understatement if there ever was one…

Anyway, I have to share a couple of things with you today. First, life has been on full-speed, wide-open for me the past year or so! I’ve been traveling a lot of places, meeting a lot of new people, and helping work on some exciting new things for my company! What I’ve learned during this time is that our country is not so big as I thought it was, and the thought that one or more of my children would relocate somewhere else in the country – or the world for that matter – would not be the devastating life occurrence I once thought it would.

Another thing that I’ve experienced in this time, is the reminder or confirmation that there are a lot people in this country that are searching. They’re searching for fulfillment. They’re searching for meaning or significance to their life. They are also searching for where and how they can personally have an impact on others. For some this is about guilt. Guilt that they’ve spent their life focused on mostly themselves. For others though, their search is about knowing they were meant for more than “just” life. For many, they have discovered that their creator – sorry, Creator for a Believer like me – has made them to make a difference.

So, what’s the big deal? Well, for many of us, that search for significance, even when we are certain that we are meant for more, can often be derailed by doubt. Doubt about our worthiness, doubt about our capability to make a difference, and doubt about whether our current life can even support our pursuit of making a difference.

If the paragraph above describes you, can I just offer something up to you? YOU CAN DO THIS! If you believe that you were meant for something greater, something more significant, can I just tell you that so do I? But, what really matters is that I believe your Creator is the one who has the most belief in you! He knew you before He formed you, and He knew what you would be capable of ultimately doing. He made you, He loves you, and He believes in you!

So, if you are “dealing” with that potential that your life is to mean more, do more, accomplish more, affect others more, or whatever, just know that what you are hearing is most likely being placed in you by God Himself! Know that He will not call you where He will not sustain you. Know that He understands so much that we do not, and He can see how the pieces fit together – in advance!

And, armed with that knowledge, keep pressing forward! That change, that adventure, that scary thing you are actually thinking about doing…? Seek His input, His peace, His leading, and get on with it! You might just be surprised how ready you really are!

All my best, my friend! Keep keeping on!

One thought on “Scared To Be Significant?”

  1. What a great word Robbie, I often think these same thoughts as my son has moved away for college out of state. God does have a plan for each of us and we should open our minds while we study His Word to hear His plan for us.

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